Rabu, 13 November 2013


Baturaden located south of Mount Slamet has cool air and tends to grow cold at night. Besides having beautiful natural scenery, Baturaden also has many folk legends, one of which is the famous story Kasarung
Of Baturaden, you can see the view of Purwokerto, Nusa Kambangan Island, also some beautiful beaches in the Cilacap region. Baturaden itself has many interesting places to visit attractions such as Taman Bitanin which has a variety of rare plants and flowers, including flowers havana, god leaves, antarium lipstick, palm paris, and sea Widoro not only exhibited, also sold as souvenirs.

waterfall Cipendok (Curug Cipendok)

Cipendok waterfall has a height of about 93 m and the road was widened into the Forest Management Unit (FMU) East Banyumas.

Environment around it still feels natural waterfall with production and protected forests are maintained so that the main attraction. The silence around the waterfall is also still feels that not many travelers who come to enjoy its natural beauty.

waterfall Ceheng (Curug Ceheng)

Ceheng waterfall waterfall has a height of only 13 meters and is located in the southeastern slopes of Mount Slamet at an altitude of about 600 m above sea level. This waterfall is one part of the stream that flows into Pelus times downstream to Contribute and Sokaraja.

Due to the high altitude makes this waterfall is always cool air. Above all it was hidden in the middle of the plantation and forest, as well as the semi-circular niche with the background of Mount Slamet makes this waterfall area often visited by young couples who want mojok Purwokerto. Also in this waterfall there are many bats flying around.

Not far from the waterfall there Ceheng Lawa waterfall located in the north.

  Silent lake (Telaga Sunyi)

Silent lake - Enjoy Mystical Enchantment Ponds And Evolving Story in Society, Banyumas - Central Java

Silent lake. This place is as quiet as its name. Even though it is located very close to favorite attractions for guests in the town of Navan is Baturaden, but few people know of the existence of this lake. That said, most people who come there intending to do meditation or asceticism as Silent Lake region are very supportive for the activity.

Landscape there is still very natural and beautiful. Still fresh mountain air you breathe can be. Beautiful condition that makes the atmosphere in Silent Lake is so calm and silent as most visitors who come there intending to retreat, or just vacation parse tired that they have in mind.

waterfall turncoat (Curug Belot)
 Waterfall renegade - The beauty of Hidden Waterfall In Banyumas - Central Java
The most hunted tourist attractions by travelers who want to relax , get away from the sense of fatigue because of the work , even for vacation of course a fun and fairly can make a head cold and fresh again . Well, if you 're visiting Banyumas , it would not hurt if you stop by the waterfall turncoat Banyumas . Waterfall or collectively, the waterfall is in Banyumas is not as well-known waterfall Cipendok , but for the size of beauty , this waterfall is not lost .
Because it lies on the slopes of Mount Slamet below , so you do not be surprised if there was so cool air and tends to cool . Especially when you are challenged to play around and soak in water flowing from the waterfall turncoat . According to residents , the water flowing in the waterfall is quite heavy so it feels so loud splashing water . There is no doubt that a lot of trees and shrubs can thrive in the wild around the waterfall area .


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